Manage a high-tech research laboratory and resources. Send expeditions to mysterious distant realms in search of exotic specimens. Create new and exciting A.C.T.O.R.s (Artificial Cell Transmutable Organic Robots). Control them, modify them, become them and take them to an online multiplayer in this adult video game for PC and PCVR.
Gather DNA samples. Create new exciting ACTORs. Play Online.
Welcome to the Griffin’s Nest
Embark on an incredible journey of exploration and discovery. Your job is to run a research laboratory, codename Griffin’s Nest. Manage its equipment and resources, collect mythical creatures DNA samples by sending expeditions to mysterious distant realms. Create unique A.C.T.O.R.s (Artificial Cell Transmutable Organic Robots) from the acquired DNA samples. Modify them, control them, possess them or simply sell them.

Manage a Research Laboratory
Manage a high-tech research laboratory and resources. Upgrade your equipment, complete contracts, send expeditions to mysterious distant realms in search of new exotic specimens.
Create ACTORs
Incubate exciting new ACTORs from acquired DNA samples. Control them, test them, modify them, become them or simply sell them. Combine different species, races, body types, and traits to create unique exquisite ACTORs.
Create Your Style
Customize your creations with a wide array of items like hairstyles, neckwear, headwear, armwear and more. Create unique actor styles with ease by using the new style collection. Save & Load your favorite styles with a click of a button.
Explore Distant Realms
Embark on an incredible journey of exploration and discovery. Send expeditions to mysterious distant realms. Unlock their secrets and collect mythical creatures DNA samples. What will you find?
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Play in a VR headset or on a PC using mouse & keyboard